Tuesday, September 3, 2013

New Blog

Hey everyone.  I just wanted to let you all know I started a new blog.  It is the craziness that rambles around in my head!  Check it out for new posts.  I am not that great at keeping it up but I am trying.

Here is the link.


Friday, May 28, 2010

Almost There!!!!!

So we are quickly closing in on the big day. We are getting so excited to be getting married. We are going through the temple tomorrow and then ony 14 days till we are husband and wife.
For those who didn't get their name on the list for announcements our reception is at the Colonial Theater in Idaho Falls, ID on June 12 from 6-8 pm.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I know it has been a while since I last posted anything. Life has been pretty crazy lately. First big news is that Ian proposed and I said yes! We are getting married on June 12 in the Idaho Falls LDS Temple. We are going to have a reception/dance that night in Idaho Falls at Ian's sister's house. If you want an invite get me your address and I will send you one.
I also got my wedding dress last week. The best part is that if I keep on my diet and loose about another 2 inches, I have already lost almost that much, I won't even have to get it altered! I got all of my accessories as well.
Right now I am also looking for a new job. I have a decent job right now, but I could do better. So if any one knows of a job opening in the Pocatello/American Falls area please let me know. The plan right now is to live in American Falls at the house that Ian has been renting so either place would work for me.
Other than that it is just life as usual. Work and Ian and more work and more Ian. If you have any good ideas for inexpensive wedding things I am open for comments.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

New Update

So it has been a while since I have been on and updated my blog. Things are going good. We spend Thanksgiving with Ian's family and had a good time. We didn't have many people there, but it was nice. We didn't do a whole lot of anything, I ended up with a nasty cold so I was just fine to hang out and not do much.
Things have been busy at work, and I keep getting more and more things added to my plate at work. We have some new plans and new services we are now offering so I get to field a lot of questions from confused customers. It is always interesting.
I am getting so excited to head to Arizona for Christmas. We are headed down on the 23rd and then we come back on the 30th. I'm sad to be leaving Ian behind for a week, but he couldn't get off of work for that long. I am excited to see both sets of grandparents again. I have really missed my Grandma Shirley. I am also excited to get to use my brand new passport! I took the plunge and got one when we decided to go to Arizona so then I can take a day and go to Mexico to pick up some things for Ian's family.
Any way. I will keep everyone posted on how the vacation goes.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Quick Update!

So things are going really well right now. I am finally feeling like I kind of know wht is going on at work and how to answer questions. It makes my life easier not having to hunt down my manager to ask about different things. The only bad thing is that we are in construction in our office and my desk feels like it is in a hole with no light, so I brought a desk lamp from home to make it a little easier to see.
Ian and I are doing great. It is so much fun to have a boyfriend who treats me well. This last weekend was his grandmother's 80th birthday bash and they had a huge reunion to celebrate. We went up to a lodge in St. Anthony that was built when Dylan and I were in high school. So I got to meet one side of the family. It was awkward at moments, like when they put me in the family pictures, but it was a pretty fun weekend.
Sunday we went to church with mom and dad and just had fun hanging out at the house. It was kind of nice being in a quiet place with not so many people around. His family is nice, there was just a lot of them and we just needed some alone time.
I got a new calling in my singles ward. I am now on the compassionate service committee in the Relief Society and I have no idea what I am supposed to be doing. it would help if I ever went to my ward, but we always seem to be out of town on the weekends when i don't have to work on Saturdays. Oh well, just another new adventure.
Other than that life is just the same old same old...

Monday, September 28, 2009

So Much Fun!!!

So for those who have not heard, Ian and I are officially dating. It kind of took me off guard how much we got along right off the bat. It only took us two dates to decided we wanted to try out the relationship thing and see where it goes. We have talked or seen each other every day since we met. Mom is getting worried saying that we are moving too fast, but for right now this is working for us.
For fun this weekend we went to the Bar J for the last night. Ian had seen them do shows in other towns, but had never been up to the Chuckwagon. It was prank night that night and we had a hoot. Then we stayed in Jackson Saturday night and went to the employee dinner on Sunday. It was a lot of fun. We got to walk around Jackson and we took a drive on a road that I used to go down all of the time to just get away.
On Saturday before we left we went to a classic car show in Pocatello, Ian is a car guy and loves to go and look at all of the classic cars and I enjoy them a lot too. Then we met up with his mom and sister and had lunch. I was so nervous to meet his family, but they are really neat people. After that we went to my parents to pick up a sign I needed to deliver in Jackson so we decided just to introduce every one.
Over all it was probably one of the most fun weekends I have had in a long time. I am excited to see where this new adventure takes me and I promise that I will try and do better at keeping my blog updated with news!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Finally! An update!

Okay! I know it has been a while since I did an update. And my cousin Liz told me I had to do a new one so that she could keep up with what I am doing. Here we go....

So a month and a half ago I moved to Pocatello, ID to start my new job with Syringa Wireless. I work in their customer care center. So yes it is back to a phone job for me. I don't mind and I get to actually have my own desk and my own area. I deal mostly with texting issues and voice mail issues. Some days I feel like I live at work, but over all I enjoy it quite a bit. They let me do my own thing and just do what I do.

For about two weeks I was living with Emily's family. For those who don't know about Emily, we met last year working for the Bar J and cleaning rooms in Jackson. We have kept in contact and are as close as you can get without being related. Her dad and step mom were gracious enough to let me stay with them while we waited for our move in date for our apartment. While there I relized how much I really don't like the really tall ugly poodles. There are two of them that inhabit their home and they rule the roost. It was nice having dogs, but they were too high strung. I am used to labs that are well behaved and very lovable.

On August 19 we got to move into our new apartment! I was so excited to have my own kitchen and my own space again. I now live at Bengal Creek apartments and I love them. I have my own private room. There are six rooms and we have a huge kitchen, pantry, and living room. There are two bathrooms and then two very large vanities that are awesome. You can fit my last two apartments comfortably inside of this one. I enjoy living there and it is nice to be able to go home and have my own space.

Three weeks ago I woke Emily up in the middle of the night because I had another kidney stone. Luckly our neighbors are LDS and one of them was able to give me a blessing and he had a pain pill I was able to take and it helped me out a ton. The next day I had to go into the doctor because I ended up with a UTI. Not fun! I went into a urologist yesterday so that we can see why I have been having so many kidney stones. (We did the math and in the last 3 1/2 years I have had 5 kidney stones!) I have some tests that I am doing over the weekend and then the doctor will look at the results and hopefully we can figure out what I need to change in my diet so that I don't get them as often. I had my Grandma and Grandpa Hill come with me, because I can never think of questions to ask the doctor and Grandma is a pro at that! It was good to spend some time with them. I am going to miss them so much when they go to Arizona for the winter, but hopefully I will get some time off at Christmas so I can go and visit!

Two weeks ago my Great Grandma Hill passed away. We had her funeral and I got to see a lot of my family that I hadn't seen in quite a while. One of the things that I inherited is her piano. I was excited to find out that my apartment was big enough and my roommates were all fine with having a piano in our apartment. So I have it and I play it quite regularly.

Last week was State Fair week for our family. So when I wasn't at work at my job I was in Blackfoot working for my dad. It was fun to work with him and get to see all that there was at the fair. He did fairly well this year, better than we thought he would so all is going great and he has lots of orders to keep him busy for a while.

I am excited today. I am going on my first date with some one besides my ex boyfriend Brandon since March! I guess we are going out to dinner and then going bowling. His name is Ian and I will try and keep every one posted on how that goes.

Other than that not much is going on. I feel like all I do is work! Suprize suprize! I inherited that gene as well!