Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I have been busy getting everything ready to go for the summer. I have finally gotten my trailer all cleaned out and ready to load up with my stuff. It is amazing what kinds of junk your cousins leave when they don't really care about the trailer. Then again, that was the weekend that Cody got busted so I think other things were on his mind then. I will be living in my trailer for at least three months. It is so ghetto fabulous. It was new in 1972 when my great grandparents purchased it. For being that old it is actually in great condition. I don't know if I am going to have a roommate yet. My boss hasn't called to confirm it yet. If I do have a roommate I hope they don't mind the rules that I will have. No drinking, no smoking, no one over past 11 pm. I am going to attempt to have more fun this summer. Last summer was a lot of fun, but I want to be able to go out more and spend more time on the river this summer.
While gearing up to leave home again I am also gearing up to welcome my brother home. He will be returning from the Korea Seoul West mission on May 15. He will report his mission on May 17 at 9:30 am in the Parker church building in Parker, ID. We are getting so excited at our house for this home coming. It has been weird not seeing him. Having your only sibling gone for over two years. The time has flown by, but it will be nice to have him home. I also think that will take some of the attention off of my moving away again. Grandma has a hard time every time I leave to go on a new adventure. It will be nice to have her a little distracted.
I got to meet my new little cousin on Sunday. My cousin Brandi and her husband Tyler had a baby girl named Chloe and I got to see her for the first time at a little get together at Granny and Papa's house. For those who don't know, Grandma and Grandpa are my mom's parents and Granny and Papa are my dad's parents. Growing up I had tons of grandparents because all but two of my great grandparents were alive till I was 12. So that is why we have to call them different names, we just had a ton of grandparents.
We have been taking my Great-grandma Vae to church with us. She cracks me up. She likes to be about fifteen minutes early to church and then as soon as Sacrament meeting is over she wants to go home. So I get to skip at least part of Sunday School to take her home and have a chat every Sunday that I am in town. She cracks me up. She gets around pretty good for someone who is 91. I spent most of my summers with her and Grandpa Irvin. Dylan and I really enjoyed spending every day with them and helping make brownies and cookies and helping Grandpa with the gardening.
As to my love life things have been turning up. I have been going on dates with a nice guy for once. He is a newly returned missionary who is still kind of afraid of girls, which makes him absolutely confusing! So we will just have to see how things go, but don't expect any announcements any time soon. I am still not quite ready to give up my independance to settle down quite yet.
Well, I've got to go and start dinner. Hope every one is having a wonderful day!

1 comment:

Celese said...

It's great to catch up with you and hear what you are doing! It seems like it's been forever!